A Guide to Emotions of the Sacral Chakra


In the spiritual world of chakras, there is a lot of talk about the sacral chakra, orange, six lotus petals, water, feminine energy, its location, its symbolism, and what happens when the sacral chakra opens. And those things are all important. But… many of us want to know more. We want to delve deeper into the emotions held in the consciousness of the sacral chakra. 

As we transcend from the solidity of the earth element to the fluidity of the water element, we begin to explore the awareness of feelings. And while knowing the basics of the Svadhisthana chakra and its meaning are important, understanding what emotions we are able to sense with our second chakra and how they affect us when they’re stuck will allow us to let them flow through our system in an organic way creating health on a physical level. 

If you have a repressed passion for life, are unable to feel pleasure or feel hopeless, or have abdominal bloating, you’re in luck. 

Today we’ll cover the emotional attributes of the sacral chakra. These are the most common ones that I’ve seen. At the end of this, you’ll know what some of the associated emotions are, what part of the sacral chakra they relate to, and get some tips for unblocking your sacral chakra so you can express them in a healthy way.


The ability to perceive and take in pleasure is directly related to the health of the front aspect of the second primary chakra and, the amount of pleasure you’re able to take in is directly related to the health of the back aspect of the sacral chakra. Ideally, they should be balanced.


When the sacral chakra is blocked, awareness of the associated emotions is not clear, and therefore it is difficult to feel them. Hope is one of the emotions. The consciousness of hope is held in one of the smaller vortexes in the sacral chakra and similar to pleasure, I have found that there is only an ability to feel hopeful if you also feel safe and secure which are root chakra emotional attributes.


When your sacral chakra is open, you are able to feel empathetic towards others but when it is blocked or closed, you may have a lack of interest or concern for what others are feeling. This happens because you are probably disconnected from what you are feeling about yourself. I have found that empathy is perceived with the whole front vortex of the sacral chakra.


Are you able to give and receive emotionally or is it a one-way street where you feel like you’re able to praise, encourage, and compliment others but it’s uncomfortable for you to receive it in return? When your sacral chakra is healthy, you’ll be able to make others feel positive without expecting anything in return. (personalexcellence.co

But what happens when you’re reluctant to praise others? You do not or can not encourage, support, or empathize with them? Don’t worry, it could just be a blockage in your sacral chakra. It could also mean that you’re unable to connect with your own emotions so it would be impossible for you to sympathize with someone else’s.

What can you do? Notice when and how you allow yourself to receive. Can you take in a compliment and say thank you? Can you be grateful when someone holds the door open for you? Start small and let yourself receive in small ways throughout your day without guilt and notice how it keeps you more closely aligned with the flow of life. When your sacral chakra is open and clear you’ll find that you have a wonderful balance of both emotional giving and receiving.  


Even though the emotion of fear is mostly associated with the root chakra (LINK), fear of personal invasion is one of the greatest fears of someone with an unhealthy sacral chakra. As the second chakra is the creation chakra, the center of your life force, sweetness, and pleasure when someone taps into this energy without your awareness and steals it from you… fear arises. To counteract the fear of invasion, try some self-nourishing activities that comfort you, give you a sense of safety and protection.  


Whether you call it a wish, urge, drive, impulse, or yearning, for the purposes of this post, I’m calling a desire a strong feeling of something you want that arises within you. Desire is human but when your sacral chakra is blocked, the ‘want’ is not felt, and instead, you feel guilty, shameful, or secretive. To counteract this, seek out moments of joy that will stimulate all of your senses.


If you could relate to one (all?) of the six emotional attributes of the Svadhisthana chakra, then you know you’ve tapped into the consciousness. Working with these emotions is way easier than you think. And it starts with self-observation.

The next thing you should do? Take my chakra quiz to see if your sacral chakra is weak or strong so you can do something about it!

Hi there!

I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!