Why Root Chakra Emotions are a Powerful Thing


In the metaphysical world of chakras, there is a lot of talk about the root chakra, red, four lotus petals, its location, how it supports us in life, and what happens when the root chakra opens. And those things are all important. But… many of us want to know more. We want to delve deeper into the consciousness of the root chakra. Understand more. Learn about the emotional impact of a blocked root chakra and how opening it can provide greater balance in our lives.

In fact, some of those emotional aspects of the root chakra are the ones that end up benefiting our lives the most. I’ve seen it happen! (Both within my own life and in others.)

While knowing the basics of the root chakra and its meaning are important, understanding the emotional attributes of the first chakra allows us to expand awareness and be open to embodying the qualities it has. 

Then, as we open to the possibilities of a balanced base chakra, we’ll be way more interested in investigating the opening of all our chakras and finding out how they work together.

Now, that’s a win-win!

If you’ve got weak legs and knees, find it difficult to save money, struggle with headaches, lightheadedness, anxiety, or have issues manifesting dreams into reality, you’re in luck. 

I want to share eight emotional symptoms of an imbalanced root chakra, how they will show up in your life, easy ways to unblock your root chakra to enhance the expression of the emotional consciousness, and some tips for strengthening your spiritual connections to ancestors. 


Do you feel strong physically? When you walk around can you sense the power in your legs as you connect to the earth? If so, you have a strong root chakra.

Have you noticed that when you feel physically strong, you also feel strong emotionally?

The root chakra is the grounding force for manifestation in the physical world. It represents everything materially solid: objects, people, animals, buildings, soil, and even the flesh and bones of the physical body. When it is not strong the capacity to recover quickly from emotional difficulties is diminished.


I get it, maybe you don’t feel strong physically. Exercise isn’t your thing. If you’re more inclined to intellectual pursuits, then opening your root chakra is a great way to mentally stay present.  

Strengthening the root chakra draws energy down into the physicality of the body. From the place of physicality, one can be fully present at the moment and take note of things around them in the physical world. By being fully present, one is able to engage, listen and communicate with others in an authentic manner. The senses also become sharper and clearer which makes it easier to make decisions.


Feeling anxious takes you out of the ability to connect with others and your surroundings in the present moment, the now. Have you noticed this? When you’re anxious, you feel like you lose contact with others? Your fears may spiral out of control. Anxiety causes energy to rise in the physical body, into the solar plexus and heart chakras, leaving the root chakra's energy depleted. And can temporarily take away any sense of safety and security.

There are a ton of options out there, but here are some awesome ways that you can activate your root chakra to calm anxiety by yourself:

  • Stomp your feet

  • Jump up and down

  • Dance


Did you know having anxiety is essentially the same thing as feeling fear? But... but fears are the feelings that arise after the anxiety begins as the root chakra closes and stops taking in energy. 

There are certain benefits to this chain reaction. If you can manage your anxiety and embody life fully because you feel safe, you will experience less fear related to areas of survival, self-preservation, and security. According to ChangeYourEnergy, food, clothing, and shelter are human being’s primal needs, but they all require money to have them; therefore our financial needs are closely related to the health of the root chakra.

A couple of ideas for reducing fear include:

  • Staying connected to others.

  • Keeping your feet on the ground.


When your upper chakras (crown, third eye, and throat chakras) are too open and your lower chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus chakras) are weak, your lower chakras will not be able to process energy as efficiently which could lead to feelings of overwhelm.

A lot of people these days feel overwhelmed. I know I feel it. Busy schedules, working from home, financial challenges, and that little thing called COVID.

One amazing and simple way to counteract this is to nurture your ability to stay present. Strengthen your lower chakras, by practicing mindfulness.

Not only does this bring you back to self but it helps you get a clearer sense of what is yours (energetically) and what you are picking up from others. When you have this awareness, you can continue managing your life in a more conscious manner.


The root chakra is the most instinctual of all chakras - it is the survival center and connects one to survival in the physical world. It is associated with the adrenal glands located on the back of the body just above the kidneys and the fight or flight response and the need for safety and survival. 

There was a time when we were connected to the earth, seasons, nature, and animals and, our physical survival was a critical as theirs. Now, even though our physical survival is still a concern, we also worry about losing our jobs, our car breaking down, our families, illness, etc. Can you relate? Do you find that you get stressed about finances? Losing your job? Your family? If so, try some root chakra strengthening exercises to counteract the constant worry and fear that forces your root chakra to work overtime.


If you’re struggling with anxiety, fear, or overwhelm, strengthening the connection to your genealogy can provide relief and support. Have you ever felt alone in life? As if nobody had your back? I have. And I’ve found that connecting to my ancestors helped me strengthen the feelings of love and support from those who came before me. It can give you a sense of your roots and the strength that goes along with them.

There are a lot of ways you can connect to your ancestors by strengthening the root chakra:


People with a strong will to live have a strong root chakra. Because the root chakra is associated with physicality, it is, in essence, the foundation of the entire physical body. When someone loses their will to live, their root chakra begins to dissolve, and one loses the connection to their physical reality. 

How is this an emotional attribute? It taps into feelings of hopelessness which can cause one to give up.

There you have it! Eight emotional attributes of a blocked root chakra, how they show up in your life, easy ways to unblock the root chakra to enhance expression of the emotional consciousness, and some tips for strengthening spiritual connections to ancestors. 

Hi there!

I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!