The Chakra Animal Totems


Have you ever wondered how symbolic chakra animals work with the chakra energy points? What about using the consciousness they enhance - is that something in your toolkit for living the life you want?

Before you cast off totem chakra animals as too “woo-woo”, I want you to consider the qualities of each one. They embody so much more than meets the eye, and the power they hold is anchored in instinct.

Aligning a chakra with the energy of its animal symbol enhances its potential power and expression of its consciousness. In this post, learn the sacred power animals of the chakras, how the energy of the spirit animals aligns with the consciousness of each of the seven major chakras, and how Native American spirit animals, power animals, spirit guides, and chakra animal totems are different. Also, you’ll discover how using the animals associated with chakras and the qualities of the classic elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether can unblock your energy centers.


To be clear, Native American spirit animals are different than chakra animal totems. Native American traditions use spirit animals, animal guides, and spirit helpers to bring strength and insight. Their belief is that our spirit animals are chosen for us and their knowledge is based on tens of thousands of years of connections to the environments.

Chakra animal totems on the other hand are symbolic representations of the consciousness and elements of the chakras. One can connect with the energy of a chakra animal, sit in the energy, and be receptive to what the energy is saying. A shift of energy can then happen in a chakra without having to do anything. Each chakra animal instinctively embodies the qualities of the associated chakra so pairing with the animal can complement and enhance aspects of your life.



Did you know that Elephants are the world’s largest animals and communicate through vibrations and sounds which may be too low for people to hear?

According to WWF, Elephants can communicate through seismic signals which create vibrations in the ground that Elephants can detect through their bones! It is this connection to the earth element and the force of gravity that links the elephant to the consciousness of safety, security, and stability that resonates with the root chakra.



Have you ever spent hours watching fish swim? The fluidity of their movement makes it look effortless, doesn’t it? It is the ability to move out of the solidity of the earth element and into the water element that makes the Fish the sacral chakra animal totem.

The consciousness of the sacral chakra involves the ability to move, change and adapt, and without one’s ability to let go and create flow, one cannot experience growth.



Solar plexus chakra totem animals such as the Ram are action-oriented and easily tap into their inner power. The Ram symbolizes the ability to know yourself, express who you are, and how you can assert yourself in the world. It is the transformational energy of self-expression that symbolically aligns the consciousness of the solar plexus chakra with the Ram. As one moves from solidity to fluidity they begin to tap into their passion and ignite their internal fire knowing it’s time to take action.



There is something about a bird in flight that signifies freedom and the ability to rise above. As a bird glides through the air with effortless ease it represents a free spirit and openness that go along with clearing the heart chakra. It is with the opening of the heart that the consciousness can be expressed. Action has been taken and connections can now be made as relationships are formed.



Lion facts: they are the only cats that roar together, they have the loudest roar of all the big cats, and their roar can be heard from 5 miles away according to the WWF. Now that’s communication!

It is a lion’s innate ability to verbalize with such power that symbolically aligns the lion to the consciousness of the throat chakra. The throat chakra is all about vibration, sounds, and the ability to authentically speak your truth.



Last year we found an injured, white-horned owl in our yard. He was beautiful and had a depth that went beyond words. The Owl animal totem represents wisdom and intuition and is a way of connecting with your higher self. The Owls’ eyes symbolize the ability to see past illusions and access self-awareness. It is this overseeing ability that makes the Owl the third eye chakra animal totem.



The Butterfly is light, delicate, and floats effortlessly above transcending all limitations, much like the ether element of the crown chakra. The Butterfly symbolizes enlightenment, renewal, and transformation which align with the consciousness of the crown chakra as it connects one to their divinity and universal wisdom.

There you have it you the symbolic spirit animals of the chakras. You’ve learned how the energy of the chakra animal totems aligns with the consciousness of each of the seven major chakras: The Elephant with the root chakra, the Fish with the sacral chakra, the Ram with the solar plexus chakra, the Bird with the heart chakra, the Lion with the throat chakra, the Owl with the brow chakra, and the Butterfly with the crown chakra. You’ve also discovered how the chakra animal totems resonate with the vibration of the associated chakra elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether.


Hi there!

I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!