What is Cellular Consciousness?


Cellular Consciousness™ is a term that describes a collection of emotions, past experiences, and traumatic memories stored in the cells of the physical body, as well as those stuck in the energy centers, called chakras. Each time a stored emotional memory is triggered a reaction is produced until the memory can be cleared from the system. Learn the basics of Cellular Consciousness, the difference between Cellular Consciousness, Cellular Memory, Body Memory and Somatic Memory, and how Cellular Consciousness relates to the chakra energy points.

If you are looking for information about cells and the possibility that they have intelligence, you are much more likely to find information on Cellular Memory than you are to find information on Cellular Consciousness™. That is because I coined the term Cellular Consciousness™ in 2010 to describe a phenomenon I was seeing in clients where unprocessed emotions, traumas, and past experiences were stored in the organs and cells of their bodies, as well as in the spiritual energy points called chakras. I also discovered how to clear emotional blockages to healing trauma in the body without the emotions having to be re-experienced on a cognitive level.

How Cellular Consciousness is similar to Cellular Memory

Cellular Memory is also called Body Memory or Somatic Memory, and it is a hypothesis that the body itself is capable of storing memories, as opposed to only the brain. In Bruce Lipton’s article Insight into Cellular Consciousness, he discusses how in a harmonic energy field, cell receptors will change their conformation and respond to both physical and energetic environmental information. The changes in cell receptor conformation provide for cellular “awareness.” He also states that “the expression of the cell reflects the recognition of all perceived environmental stimuli, both physical and energetic.”

What I refer to as the ‘Cellular Consciousness’ encompasses the scope of Cellular Memory as defined above, but also includes the emotional memories, past experiences, and trauma stored in cells of the body, and the ones stored in the spiritual energy points called chakras.

Cellular Consciousness™ consists of a collection of information, experiences, thoughts & emotions which get “stuck” in the physical body and energetic field.
— della reside

On the level of pure consciousness, the present co-exists with the past, past lives, and, most probably, the future. If we have stored emotional memories (we all do) and they are triggered, a reaction is produced. When the reaction is not desirable or is preventing one from moving forward in life, the emotional blockages may need to be cleared from the body. I’ve found that usually there is no cognitive awareness as to the source of the reaction so through Cellular Consciousness Healing the source can usually be identified and released without having to re-experience the emotions on a cognitive level.

Emotions are a record of the past so, if the emotion is stored in the body, then the body is literally, living in the past.

Cellular Consciousness and Chakras

Cellular Consciousness can be held in the cells of the body or in the energy centers called chakras as stated above. In this post, I provide a general overview of the chakra basics, and in this post; I provide information about chakra blockages.

Unresolved emotions, traumas, and past experiences held in the Cellular Consciousness of a chakra can ‘damage’ the structure of the chakra causing it to malfunction. The earlier in life the emotional trauma happened, the lower down on the chakra vortex the damage can be found. For example, in my chakra drawing below, the client had experienced emotional trauma when she was 8 years old and another one when she was 14 years old. The traumatic experiences caused ‘scar tissue’ to develop on her front sacral chakra vortex and eventually affected the function of the organs in that area of her body.

A chakra showing damage from emotional trauma that happened at 8 years old and at 14 years old.

A chakra showing damage from emotional trauma that happened at 8 years old and at 14 years old.


Even though there are different theories on how Cellular Memory works, there is no scientific evidence to prove it. This post is based on my experience working with unresolved emotions, trauma, and experiences held in the physical body and the human energy field of clients. What I describe as ‘Cellular Consciousness’ has a component associated with cellular memory, but it also includes emotions stuck in the cells and the chakra energy centers. To learn more about Cellular Consciousness Healing you can download my free Introductory Guide.


Hi there!

I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!